The mid-range Galaxy Tab E 9.6 that Samsung announced in Asia back in June has now made its official debut in the US. This happened thanks to Verizon, as the carrier saw fit to offer the tablet in its portfolio. The Galaxy Tab E 9.6 is already available at Big Red, online and in stores, for $329.99 if you want to pay the full retail price. Alternatively, you can shell out $13.74 per month for two years, if you choose the carrier's tablet installment plan, or pay $129.99 and sign a new two-year contract. Verizon's version of the Tab E 9.6 packs 4G LTE support, as well as a beefier battery than the international model. It comes with a 9.6-inch 1,280x800 touchscreen, a 5 MP rear camera, a 2 MP front-facing unit, a 1.3 GHz quad-core CPU, 1.5GB of RAM, 16GB of expandable storage, and a 7,300 mAh battery. It runs Android 5.1.1 Lollipop. Source |...
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