Kamis, 30 Maret 2017

Destiny 2 release date slated for September, and it's coming to PC

After dropping a teaser on us yesterday, Destiny 2 is now a bonafide "thing" with a full reveal trailer and details on the game's preorder incentives, release date, and platforms.

The sequel to Bungie's 2014 multiplayer shooter hits store shelves September 8 and will be available for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

The latter is a pleasant surprise, even if it's not thaaat much a shock, as PC players were left out of the original Destiny's release when it came out for the Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, and PS4.

Though no gameplay was shown, the debut trailer for Destiny 2 sets up a dire scenario where scattered, beaten Guardians must reunite for to push back the forces of evil aiming to take over their home. 

Of course, gathering loot is also on the table, as promised by the quippy, Nathan Fillion-voiced Vanguard, Cayde-6.

Eager beavers committed to another tour of Destiny's blend of FPS and MMO hijinks can preorder the game now and recieve a headstart on the game's beta as a bonus. 

Those waiting to actually see the game in action before dropping cash won't have the wait long, as Bungie teases the "first opportunity to see Guardians in action" will be on May 18.   

March 31, 2017 at 01:11AM
Parker Wilhelm

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